Wednesday, 4 October 2017

I've been writing!

Hi folks! 

In case you're wondering why there was radio silence on his blog for almost a year, it's not because I've not been writing. (Because who in their right mind would choose to not struggle with hours and days of writer's block drying your eyes staring at a screen, and get frustrated over not being able to produce engaging and light-hearted articles on nature and wildlife and after around 15 edits managing to barely write something that's not torturous to read? 

Not this girl.

*internally laughs trying to pass off the reality as a casual self-depreciating humour, heh..he...*

OKAY, OKAY, it's not that bad! 

Although, if you think about it...

Okay, I'll stop.

SO there were a few drafts in the pipeline about the lovely forest travels I've had this year, and I did post them on the blog. It occurred to me that they didn't seem as awful as my writing usually does to me (heh...) so I decided to send them over to some magazines, who thought the pieces were good enough for publication. I was all Whaaaat?!? and then I was all Woohooo! These complex emotions are best depicted by this raptor soaring over the Thar desert dunes:

Photo: Shailesh Gupta feel me? Great.

The first article has been published in the October issue of Sanctuary Asia magazine, about my time roaming the Thar desert in March this year, surveying a weird, beautiful, proud, critically endangered bird called the Great Indian Bustard. With their global population hovering around 150 birds, these birds survive in fragmented pockets of grassland habitat. Here it is - please read and leave a comment, folks!

Photo: Shailesh Gupta

At a forest chowki in Desert National Park, Sudasari.

This photo is misleading because the GIB is not that tall, but
this is the only decent (?) field photo I have, so bear with me.

And yes, there will be more articles soon :)

Watch this space,